281-689-8149 | 21361 Lodge Rd New Caney, TX 77357
Car Care: Auto Maintenance Services
Car & Truck Repair in New Caney
At Executive Auto Services LLC, we recognize that the most effective way to maintain your car or truck is to adhere to the service intervals recommended by your vehicle's manufacturer. Catering to all brands, models, imports, and fuel systems in New Caney, Executive Auto Services LLC possesses the tools and expertise required to ensure that your vehicle operates precisely as its manufacturer intended.
For inquiries, contact us at 281-689-8149, or alternatively, you can send us an email. Our skilled experts are eager to address your questions and evaluate the required actions.
Our basic auto maintenance services include:
Oil, Lube, and Filter
To maintain smooth operation, your vehicle heavily relies on oil, lube, and oil filters. Oil serves to lubricate, cool, and cleanse the internal engine components. Over time, motor oil becomes contaminated. Your vehicle requires an oil, lube, and filter change on a regular basis, which will vary based on a number of factors. When the time comes for a lube, oil, or filter change, entrust your vehicle to Executive Auto Services LLC in New Caney, TX.
FAQs About Automobile Squeaks, Squeals and Rattles
Why do my brakes squeak?
The most common reason brakes squeak is that they are worn out. The squeak is the sound of the metal wear indicator on the brake pad coming in contact with the metal rotor. Your brakes are the top safety feature on your vehicle, so come by Executive Auto Services LLC and get them replaced right away. If you hear a squeaking only when you press the brake pedal the first 2-3 times when you first start driving in the morning it is the result of overnight moisture build up and likely nothing to worry about.
Why does my car make a noise when I turn the steering wheel?
If your car makes strange sounds or clicks when you turn the steering wheel the most common cause is a low steering fluid. Over time the steering fluid decreases and air enters the steering mechanism causing unwanted noises. Come to Executive Auto Services LLC to top off your fluid reservoir with power steering fluid. The noises should start to go away immediately. If the sound returns quickly your car could be leaking steering fluid. Our professionals in New Caney can help you diagnose and repair leaks quickly and affordably.
Why does my car squeal when I start it in the morning?
A worn out cambelt (also known as a timing belt) will create a loud noise when you start your car's engine. The noise could range from squealing to hissing or rumbling. This is the sound of a cambelt that is about to break. If a cambelt breaks it can ruin your car's engine. Come to Executive Auto Services LLC and get it replaced right away.
Leaking Fluid FAQs
Why is water leaking on my foot on the driver's side?
The most common cause is a blocked air conditioning drain hose. This is a simple repair at Executive Auto Services LLC. There are other possible causes of water dripping on your foot on the driver's side of the car including a broken door seal or leaking heat exchanger.
What should I do if my car creates a small oil leak on my driveway?
If the spill is still wet, cover the stain with clay cat litter, sand, cornmeal, cornstarch or baking soda. This will help absorb the oil before it soaks into the cement. Once the spill has dried, sweep up the absorbent material. Then, wash away the remaining stain with water and soap. A small oil leak on your driveway is an indication that something is wrong with your car. Bring your car to Executive Auto Services LLC to get the problem diagnosed. Do not ignore an oil leak as it can seriously affect your car's engine.
Why is my car leaking a sweet-smelling fluid?
If there is a sweet-smelling fluid leaking from your car, the most likely culprit is leaking coolant or antifreeze. A coolant leak can become a serious problem. If your vehicle gets too low on coolant or antifreeze, it will overheat and may cause engine damage.
To learn more about our Car & Truck Care services, call us at 281-689-8149 or request a quote by clicking below:
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Discover More About Car & Truck Care Repair Services At Executive Auto Services LLC in New Caney
Undercar Services
Inspections & Emissions
Melony L.
We have had Bubba maintain our van and other vehicles for years. The van has over 500,000 miles on it and still going strong. The dealership had worked on the van and never could pin point it's problem ...Bubba figured it out in 10 minutes! Fixed it and have never had an issue since. We've refered others who have become lifetime customers and will not go to another mechanic. Pricing is fair and spot in. We will never take our vehicles anywhere else.